Wednesday, August 18, 2010

End of summer

Sigh, it's the end of an amazing summer... This was definitely a summer for the photo books with all of our traveling and celebrating our first anniversary.  So it was back to work today and next Monday the students come ~ hoping for another great school year!

Arrrghhhhhh ~ Blogger won't let me upload pictures ~ been trying for days! Anyone else having probs?!  Sorry friends.


Melissa Moore said...

Glad you had a great summer. I have been trouble uploading more than two at a time. But it will work when I try one at a time.

Ali said...

DeeDee - maddie is bringing a boy friend to town and on their to-do list is a ferry ride to whidbey. Is there a great breakfast or lunch place over there??? and should the take a car or is it walkable?? I knew you would be the person to ask!! :)