Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Red Plate

Growing up getting the "Red You Are Special" plate was the BEST ever. We'd get it for good grades, nice comments from a teacher or sometimes just because! I'll never forget coming into the kitchen for dinner and seeing the Red Plate at MY spot - it was a great feeling! Last Christmas my parents gave Geoff and I a Red Plate to start the tradition with our family and tonight we used it for the first time. Geoff was recently asked to be an Honor Escort for the seniors at Graduation this year! The senior class nominates a handful of teachers that have made an impact on their year and that they want standing up with them at graduation. I'm so proud of my husband for becoming such a great teacher and making a positive impact on so many kids! Good job Mr. Beckstrom!

(It's important to note this delicious meal that I prepared... Broiled Tilapia with Thai Coconut Curry Sauce with rice and steamed broccoli. Yummmmy!)

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Spring break

We just got back from our week in Seattle.  We had a great trip and seemed to fit in a ton between family, friends and sightseeing. 

Played with Porter man

Read/kissed books with Sitti (grandma)

Took a boat and bike ride to West Seattle

Visited our friend Patrice and her newborn, Colton.

Stopped at the Tulip Festival in La Connor

Relaxed for a few days at Whidbey with great friends.

 A beautiful place and amazing people... a great way to spend our spring break!