Tuesday, April 17, 2012


It's official, we're HOMEOWNERS! After many years of searching for the perfect place we found our new home. Today we got the keys and it was an amazing feeling and one we have been waiting a long time for. Tonight at dinner we were chatting about our dreams of being in our new home... I was dreaming about hosting get togethers while the kids play outside and Geoff was envisioning evenings making dinner while the kids do their homework at the table. So fun to think of all the memories we are going to make in our new home!

We have LOTS of work to do on the house before we move in. It's a tad overwhelming... but it's nice to have the first part behind us (wow, that was a LOT of paperwork). Now onto plans, permits, demolition and remodeling!

Here are some BEFORE pictures! I don't have a pic of everything... but these will get you started!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Today I'm packing up the pump and putting it in storage. Next week is spring break so it's a good time to stop pumping... when I return to work my baby girl will be almost ONE!

Let's hope Eliana agrees that she only needs mama's milk in the morning and evening!

Packed up pump & parts... Until next time!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, April 2, 2012

11 months!

My sweet baby girl is one month shy of ONE YEAR OLD! Yikes!

I feel like I always say the same thing, but Eliana is learning SO much and impressing us everyday with the things she has learned. She explores every nook and cranny, climbs around on mommy, daddy and every piece of furniture and she even points to her belly! She loves to copy silly things that mom and dad do (singing songs, mouth noises and so much more!) and gives hugs and kisses when you ask her to. What a sweet girl.

For about a week it seemed like there was a new tooth coming in everyday! She now has four on the top and two on the bottom, and I'm pretty sure I see another one about to pop through. She's finding it more fun to eat with those chompers... some days she puts down more than me, where as others she won't even open her mouth during meal time. Silly girl.

(I'm pretty relieved that we only have one more sticker photo shoot left ~ our subject is getting a little more ornery when asked to pose.)