Saturday, February 18, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

Since Valentine's Day fell on a Tuesday this year we decided to put off our celebration for the weekend since the week is already wayyyy too busy and stressful. I have to say at first I wasn't too excited about even celebrating - kind of felt like one more thing to do. But I am SO glad we did and I was reminded of the importance of continuing to work on my relationship with Geoff aside from poopy diapers and baby play.

Just like last year we decided to do a Fondue Feast at home! It was delicious and just as fun, even though it didn't start until almost 8pm and we were tip toeing around the kitchen a bit!

Cheese fondue followed by chocolate fondue!

(This picture makes me laugh because of the baby saline next to our fondue pot. Yup, such is life now!)

1 comment:

Anne said...

Amen to working on the relationship aside from poopy diapers and playtime w baby.... Can be hard tho when life is busy! Looks fun! I need your fondue recipes... We would love that.

You are a good mommy. That baby gets cuter by the day. How is her bum and skin? Hopefully better. I miss you dear friend.

Come visit!