Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Birthday pics

A few birthday pictures to share!

Check out the cute earings that my lovely fiance gave me for my birthday. They go great with my ring!! :-)

Jill had an evening off from being mom and danced the night away with us!


Anne said...

No he didn't get earrings to match the ring! I bet he even planned that when he bought the ring... Good man!! You look beautiful and not a day past 20. I look so forward to seeing and hugging you in person SOON.

About the rental, we bought it three years ago with no intention of every having to take care of it. The owners were under contract to buy it back after one year but they spent all their money and never could. Finally things came to a head last week, we had to evict them and saw what a mountain we had to climb once we got in there! Nuts.

Anonymous said...
